
12 October, 2010

MySong Activity

Write a post to say what you liked/didn’t like about today’s class:

  1. The title should be your name - MySong Activity (e.g. HelenC - MySong Activity)
  2. In the labels box type your name, MySong (e.g. HelenC, MySong
  3. Write about 60 words and talk about:
  • the good things
  • the not very good things
  • how easy/difficult it was to embed the video
  • something you would like to do using the blog (if you have an idea)

Here is an example:

I really enjoyed using the computers because it is different from using the course book. I also learned lots of new technology vocabulary. There were some problems with the technology which was a bit frustrating but I still preferred this class to using the book. Embedding the blog was incredibly easy! I didn't know how easy it was.

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