T7 is an important year at ELI and we start preparing the First Certificate exam. If you work hard and get very good results in the February exams, and your teacher recommends you, you can do the Access exam in May. If you pass the Access exam in May, you can do the First Certificate course next year.
My job is to help you learn English . But I can only help you - I cannot memorise vocabulary and grammar structures for you. I want you to be able to communicate in English at a high level so that you have more opportunities for university and jobs in the future. To be good at English, you have to be organised, practise and work hard. So here are some Class Rules to help you become excellent English learners!
What to bring to class
- Student Book and Workbook.
- Notebook (divided into 5 sections, vocabulary, grammar, exercises, writing, speaking)
- Pen/pencil, etc.
- Writing portfolio
The purpose of homework is to revise what we have studied in class. It is very important that you do it at home and concentrate. In the next class, if there is something you don't understand very well, you can ask me about it.
- You must do your homework.
- You must bring your homework on time.
- You must write clearly. If I can't read it I won't mark it.
- You must not do your homework 5 minutes before the next class.
Don't be late. If you are late, please come into the classroom and sit down without disturbing your classmates.
Remember, if you have any questions or if you are worried about anything, you can ask me in class.
Here's to having a fantastic year and learning lots of English!